James Waldon to speak at the Great Alaska Aviation Gathering, May 5th, 2019
James (Jim) Waldon will be speaking at the 22 nd Annual Great Alaskan Aviation Gathering, on May 5 th , hosted by the Alaska Airmen Association. His presentation will cover What Can Go Wrong If You Don’t Have A Good Aircraft Purchase Agreement . Presentation time will be 3 pm in the Speakers Tent at Ted Stevens Intl Airport, FedEx Hangar. More information regarding the event is located at https://www.greatalaskaaviationgathering.org/ and will be streaming live on the Alaska Airmen Facebook page. Jim has extensive legal and management experience within the aviation industry, including Lead Counsel at Alaska Airlines and Senior Attorney at Trans World Airlines. He holds a commercial pilot license with over 2,500 hours and was the Chief Operating Officer and General Counsel of a regional Hawaiian airline, as well as Managing Partner of Waldon Law Group, a law practice with an aviation focus. His practice, Paramount Law Group, focuses on aircraft transactions a...